Tag - Travel

Liebster Award 2019 Nominee Your Cruise Girl

Your Cruise Girl has been nominated for the Liebster Award! As a new blogger, I am absolutely ecstatic and humbled to have been nominated. Discover new blogs! What is the Liebster Award? The Liebster Award is an award that exists only on the internet and...

YCG Enterprises, LLC

Meet the New Cruise Ships of 2019

Cruising an ocean liner is generally a great experience no matter the age of the ship. Some people even prefer older ships because they like the layout and features better. But just like a new car, it’s exciting to cruise on a new ship. You...

Carnival Miracle Cruise to Hawaii: Embarkation

If you are joining us for the first time, here’s Part I, Part II and Part III. We woke up at the crack of dawn. Remember, we passed out early because we were still on eastern time. So, early to bed meant too early to rise. It was pitch black. I...

Long Beach – Walmart and a Good Meal

If this is your first time visiting and you want to get caught up, here’s Part I and Part II. So, where did I leave off? Oh, yeah. Walmart. We were going to be gone for so long, I wanted to have some sense of normalcy, so we brought our favorite...